Saturday, January 22, 2011



I hope you are being encouraged to read through the Bible together with us in 2011!

Today's readings are:

Genesis 44:1-45:28 ~ Matthew 14:13-36 ~ Psalm 18:37-50 ~ Proverbs 4:11-13

Joseph determined not to reveal himself until he had brought his brothers to repentance. Because Joseph was lord over all of Egypt his brothers were now at his mercy. Joseph’s actions are not inspired by vindictiveness but a desire to witness their genuine repentance for their sin that they might be reconciled.

Joseph wanted to know how they had been treating their father and his younger brother, Benjamin. He could assume that Benjamin, being the other son of Rachel, would be favored by their father Jacob. Would they feel the same jealousy and hostility towards Benjamin as they had towards him?

The first visit to Egypt brought forth among Joseph’s brothers’ consciences, the acknowledgement of their sin, and the fact that it deserved punishment. (Gen 42:21-22).

During the second visit Joseph tests his brothers’ feelings towards Benjamin by giving him five times more to eat and drink than he gave the others (Gen 43:34). No complaint is recorded.

The most difficult test was when the silver cup that Joseph had arranged to be secretly planted in Benjamin’s bag was discovered. Benjamin was ordered to stay in Egypt enslaved while the others returned to their father. This would have been the perfect opportunity to get rid of Jacob’s favorite son just as they had gotten rid of Joseph many years earlier. But this time the brothers were no longer willing to disregard their brother Benjamin’s plight or their father’s grief. They said that they preferred to share Benjamin’s slavery rather than have him suffer alone. Judah requests that he take Benjamin’s place (Gen 44:33).

Now that Joseph had seen this change of heart in his brothers he is ready to disclose his identity. His brothers are at first dismayed at his presence, but Joseph’s words are reassuring, “Please come closer to me…Do not be grieved or angry with yourselves, because you sold me here, for God sent me before you to preserve life… and to keep you alive by a great deliverance. Now therefore it was not you who sent me here but God.” (Gen 45:5, 7-8).

Joseph was confident in God’s providential purpose to save his people and he was happy to have endured the hardship in order to be His instrument.

Once again we see a parallel between Joseph and Jesus as his brothers are sent out to bring the good news to their father. “Joseph is alive and he is lord over all the land of Egypt.!” (45:26). What a difference this fact made in the lives of both the Jew (the people of Israel) and Gentile.


Instead of dispersing the hungry multitudes that were following him, Jesus challenges the disciples to give them something to eat. Their response: “Impossible!”. Their thoughts immediately run to their own resources, “We only have..” (Matt 14:17)

Jesus took the five loaves and the two fish and yielded the whole situation to the Father in prayer with a thankful heart. He broke the loaves and fish into pieces and gave them to the disciples and the disciples to the crowds “and they all ate and were satisfied.” The leftovers were more plentiful than what they started with. There were 12 full baskets left over. Each of the disciples had a full meal to take away! Five thousand families were fed.

After the crowds are sent away, Jesus goes to pray by Himself on a mountain overlooking the Sea of Galilee while sending His disciples to travel by boat and meet Him later on the other side. It is interesting that it wasn’t until their terrifying night on the Sea of Galilee when Jesus (and Peter) walked on the water that the disciples jointly confessed: “You are certainly God’s Son!”

As we labor in the hope that people will recognize who Jesus is, let us remember the event that took place immediately prior to the disciples having their spiritual understanding enlightened: “He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray.”

Let us pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give us all a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him! (Eph 1:17).