Monday, August 29, 2011


AUGUST 29 - Job 31-33:33; 2 Corinthians 3:1-18; Psalm 43:1-5; Proverbs 22:8-9

JOB 31:1-33

In Job's self defense against his accusers he claims to have made a covenant with his eyes. The eye allows images to soak into our souls. What we focus on is absorbed and recorded on the internal hard drive of our memory bank, forever accessible to our operating system. They can come back to lure us, haunt us, mislead, arouse, or destroy us.

Job recognizes the danger of entertaining our imaginations with lust-generating lures. Eye candy brings hollow pleasures that, once swallowed, release enslaving and corrupting influences to the heart and mind. Lust is an appetite for pretty poison.

In the Book of Leviticus, the Bible likens sin to an infectious skin disease (leprosy). Once you touch something that is unclean you become contaminated. Lust infects your system like a toxin. Not only does it corrupt you within but it isolates you from others and robs your potential for true intimacy in marriage. At first your only symptom of infection is a subtle spot on the surface of the skin.  It is a private matter.  Only you notice it. But the rotting has begun. Soon it destroys the whole body.  Sexual impurity prevents us from true communion with God and sabotages our potential to glorify God with our bodies.

1 Corinthians 6:18 (NASB) 18 Flee immorality. Every other sin that a man commits is outside the body, but the immoral man sins against his own body.

Job does not take lust lightly:

For lust is a shameful sin; a crime that should be punished.  It is a fire that burns all the way to hell. It would wipe out everything I own. (Job 31:11-12)

Yet Job recognizes his own corruptibility in this matter. Therefore he makes a covenant with his eyes not look lustfully upon a young woman. He predetermines to have his eyes bounce away from that which might otherwise entice him.

In the chapters to come Job’s eyes will behold a sight so brilliant that it will turn his own comeliness to corruption and spawn a deeper repentance in his life.

As Job asserts his integrity he calls for appropriate retribution.  There are a series of “If “ and “let” statements. He knows that iniquity requires punishment; wrongs done to others require compensation. He makes his appeal to God. “If I have walked with falsehood...Let him weigh me with accurate scales.”  “If my step has turned from the way...let me sow and another eat.”  “If my heart has been enticed by a woman...may my wife grind another man’s grain”; “If I have despised the claim of my slaves...let me be brought to account.”

From where will come justice. Once again Job’s prayer anticipates God’s answer in the cross of Christ.

Job 31:35-36 (NASB) 35 "Oh that I had one to hear me! Behold, here is my signature; Let the Almighty answer me! And the indictment which my adversary has written, 36 Surely I would carry it on my shoulder, I would bind it to myself like a crown.
Job makes an appeal for a mediator; an Advocate (as he did in 9:33). God hears that prayer and answers it perfectly in Christ.
Jesus does listen to us. He came to earth not just to observe our suffering but to take them upon himself and exercise His royal prerogative to bear them to the cross and make atonement for them there.
Elihu,  is the youngest of Job’s friends. He loudly defends his humility. He has waited long to express his thoughts, deferring to his elders.  But he is bursting with what he believes is a righteous retort. Many of the things he says in his defense of God are true, but they are not pertinent to Job's situation. This will become more clear as the story progresses.

Elihu’s monologue should remind us to be careful even when we are feeling assured that we are right about a certain thing. God knows things that we don't. We would do well to take the advice of James: Be swift to hear and slow to speak (James 1:19).

Elihu was slow to speak, but not slow enough.


Paul calls us to be confident in the gospel of Jesus Christ.  We preach a person, not a religion. We preach Christ, not ourselves.

The gospel has qualities that surpass the ministry of religion, as represented by the Old Covenant. Only the ministry of the new covenant of God's grace can give lasting hope, reveal and impart the knowledge of God's glory and grant pardon rather than condemnation. Only the ministry of the gospel can transform us into the likeness of the Lord of Glory.  Only by the Holy Spirit and the revelation of Jesus Christ through the Word are we are able to turn to God, look to Him and rely upon Him to become all that He has already made us to be. And who are we? A new creation in Christ.

Psalm 43:1-5
He is our only safe haven.
We need His light and His truth

Proverbs 22:8-9
Those who plant injustice will harvest disaster.

(from the Prayer Guide “Operation World” available at

United Mexican States
Latin America
Area: 1,958,201 sq km
Latin America’s third largest country. Wide range of topography and rainfall ranging from arid northern plateau, central volcanic plateau and the southern mountains and rain forests. Only 10% of the country is arable.
Population: 110,645,154    Annual Growth: 0.99%
Capital: Mexico City
Urbanites: 77.8%

Answer to Prayer

There is a steady growth of evangelicals, who were only 2.1% (800,000) in 1960, but are now over 8% and numbering over nine million. If anything, such growth appears to be accelerating, not slowing.

Increasing freedom for ministry continues, a contrast from the monopoly of the institutionalized church in decades past. Even the government- municipal, state and national levels- is open to evangelical work as a counter to the seemingly unsolvable problems of gangs, drug trafficking, kidnappings and violence.

The missions movement is beginning to blossom and play a greater role globally. The numbers of missionaries sent out from Mexico, mission agencies, training institutions and mobilizing events have mushroomed in recent years.

Challenge for Prayer

Mexico is a growing nation that is still discovering its own identity. Meso-American origins, Hispanic history and a dynamic but turbulent relationship with its neighbours all shape Mexico profoundly. This search often manifests itself through religious identity (both animist and Catholic) and the inevitable accompanying anti-Protestant sentiment. Pray that Mexicans, both indigenous and mestizo, might find their ultimate identity and destiny in the love of Christ and the purposes of God.

Many socio-economic challenges face Mexico. The state recognizes the difficulty of traditional solutions and increasingly invites Christians and churches to show initiative and partnership  in meeting many human needs.

Pastor David

New Life Community Church, Concord, MA 10742
Meeting Sundays at 10:30 AM at the Emerson Umbrella for the Arts, 40 Stow Street, Concord MA
Mailing Address: Post Office Box Five, Concord, MA 01742
Church Offices: 35 Bypass Rd. Lincoln, MA 01773  978-369-0061
Home Office: 978-371-3176

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"Theater you can believe in."