Thursday, January 8, 2009

Reading the Bible in A Year

"For I have not hesitated to proclaim to you the whole will of God." (Acts 20:27)

A.W. Tozer said that "truth is like a bird. It cannot fly on one wing."

G. Campbell Morgan said, "The whole truth does not lie in "It is written," but in "It is written" and "Again it is written."

Remember that the devil tempted Jesus with Scripture. He took a verse out of context and misapplied it to Jesus' situation. However Jesus repudiated Satan's deception by replying, "It is also written." (Matthew 4:7).

Some cannot see the forest for the trees. They recklessly snatch Scripture verses out from the context of God's redemptive story. Some claim to have read the Scriptures but to this day cannot give an intelligible report as to its central character, theme, conflict, climax and resolve. As Jesus of Nazareth said, "These are the Scriptures that testify about me." (John 5:39).

The Bible was a closed book to me until God graciously unveiled the truth of Who Jesus is and what He did for me. It was only then, when the author of the Bible, the Holy Spirit, began to teach me of Jesus through the 66 books of the Bible that the Book became alive to me. I continually am amazed with fresh discoveries saying, "Why have I not seen this before?"

How about you? Are you being taught the whole counsel of God by reading through the entirety of Scripture? Is the Spirit of Truth leading you into all Truth (John 16:13), as the Truth is in Jesus (Ephesians 4:21)?

While I was a pastor in Europe, a church planter missionary, encouraged me in the discipline of reading through the Bible every year. It is a discipline that has helped me immensely.

In the early days of our marriage, my wife and I used the McCheyne reading plan.

Currently our household members may read different translations but we are all using the One Year Bible. It is great to be encouraging each other and discussing the passages. We look forward to reading the daily portion together when we can.

If you don't have a One Year Bible you can follow the plan here.

“The Discipleship Journal” has a reading plan that gives you five days to catch up every month! GRACE! GRACE!

Some who don't like to jump between the Old and New Testaments might prefer the Chronological One Year Bible.

Another great asset is the One Year Bible Blog. You can subscribe to it and get a daily email update. I have the One Year Bible Companion on my PDA.

My friend, BonnieJean Wiebe, recommends this 5 lane plan. She appreciates the special flow of this plan. They even have a 7 lane version.

In short it divides the Bible into the following categories:
Section 1: Beginnings: Genesis to Ruth (236 Chapters)
Section 2: Nation Building: 1 Samuel to Job (242 Chapters)
Section 3: Poetry: Psalms to Song of Songs (201 Chapters)
Section 4: Prophets: Isaiah to Malachi (250 Chapters)
Section 5: New Testament: Matthew to Revelation (260 Chapters)

If you don’t plan to do it, it won’t happen. Put a stake in the ground. Make a decision. Tell a friend you are taking the plunge. Better yet, get your friend to join you in the adventure. Let today be the day. Make it a new beginning as you start afresh with the Book of Beginnings (Genesis). Open the Book and read what is undoubtedly the greatest story known to humankind:

Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God …

Yours in fellowship with the Author,

David MacAdam, pastor New Life Community Church, Concord, AM